June 17, 2010

Tasters Wanted

Recently, in a scene reminiscent of the George Clooney movie, Up in the Air, I was called down to my boss's office and was told that my job is no longer available to me. Well, that's not exactly what he said, but that's what he meant. I was being laid off. I can't say that I'm devastated by the loss. The job wasn't so great. It was a perfect storm of high stress, low pay, and long hours. I can do better.

But this leaves me with a much more serious problem. I need to find new taste testers who will provide comments like "yum" or "deeelicious" or even a "not so great." You see, my former co-workers served as my main tasters. Most of the time they wolfed down the cookies with words like "amazing," "wow," or Sheryl's favorite expression, "these are da bomb" (emphasis on da). Sometimes there were no words at all. They simply couldn't speak with cookie-filled mouths. But on occasion, my tasters would simply say, "these aren't my favorite" or "no thanks, I don't like coconut." Valuable feedback for sure.

So, it's time to find some new tasters. The only two requirements are that tasters must love to eat cookies. And, most importantly, you must be in Manhattan or close enough for me to easily get them to you. And you have to be willing to give me your honest opinion of the results. Friend, relatives, and friends of friends, need apply. Send me an email as to why you want to be considered as a taste tester and I'll post some of them on the blog. My email is listed on the right side of the page in the About Me section.

For the time being, the job search begins. I'll be filling my spare hours with trips to the park, lunch with friends, and of course making cookies and blogging about them.

1 comment:

  1. Now I am a little annoyed about not living in Manhattan anymore.
