Behold, the perfect chocolate chip cookie! Does one even really exist? Some people like thick and chewy cookies while others prefer thin and crispy cookies. Whichever you prefer, the folks at Cook's Illustrated claim they have created the perfect chocolate chip cookie-one with a crisp outside and a soft inside and a deep butterscotch flavor. In case you haven't notices, I'm by nature and name a doubting Thomas. I just had to find out for myself if the experts were stretching the truth just a bit.
I decided to follow the recipe exactly as written and see what happens. After all, that's why I write this blog, isn't it?
Find the complete recipe here, at Cook's Illustrated's website.
I started by measuring all of the ingredients, or "mis en place" as the professionals say. When translated, mis en place loosely means to put in place or make ready. I measured the flour as I always do, by lightly spooning it into a measuring cup and using the back of a butter knife to scrape off the excess. I then weighed the flour and found that I was tad on the scant side. The recipe calls for 1 3/4 cups or 8 3/4 ounces of flour. I was coming up short with just under 8 ounces. I added more flour to the scale until it read 8 3/4 ounces which turned out to be 2 cups plus 2 tablespoons.
Mise en place
With ingredients neatly measured out I was ready to get down to brass tacks by putting it all together. The recipe instructed me to heat 10 tablespoons of butter over medium-high heat until until it melts and turns a dark, nutty brown.
With the butter melting on top of the stove, I decided it was a good time to toast the walnuts. My oven was preheated so I tossed the nuts onto a rimmed cookie sheet and popped them into the oven for about five minutes. Talk about multi-tasking. I felt like a juggler in my own kitchen circus. Viola! Like magic, the butter darkened as I swirled the pan. Luckily I stopped the browning process before the butter burned.
I'm really liking this recipe, I thought. I added 4 additional tablespoons of butter to the browned butter and once melted, I added the sugars, salt, and vanilla. Next came the egg and egg yolk and then I whisked it all together. The aroma was heavenly. It looked and smelled just like homemade caramel-smooth, rich, and decadent. I couldn't wait to dive in to the batter with a spoon but I restrained myself. I added the flour next as the recipe directed and then the chocolate chips and the toasted nuts.
Ready for the Oven
Baked and Ready to Cool
I couldn't wait to try these large, perfectly shaped, picture perfect cookies. Would they truly be the best chocolate chip cookie EVER? I poured a tall glass of milk and broke apart one for closer inspection. The nut to chip to cookie ratio was excellent. I hate an unbalanced cookie! I bit in and savored the flavor. Wow, these cookies were amazing. With a rich, buttery, chocolate flavor these cookies are-dare I say it-are as close to perfect as perfect can be. Try the recipe for yourself. I already hear you making the yum noise as you reach for seconds.
Cookie press rating: 5 cookies (out of 5)