January 29, 2011

Happy Anniversary Cookie Press!

Did you ever miss your anniversary? Be honest. I'm sure there was one year when you woke up in the morning and completely forgot about it. Perhaps something during the day reminded you of the special day. Perhaps your spouse gently hinted until you got the message. Or perhaps you didn't remember at all until you were unceremoniously reminded by the one you love. Well, which is it?

A few weeks ago I let a very special day go by unnoticed. The Cookie Press celebrated its one year anniversary on January 20. And I missed it. Perhaps it was a snowy day and my brain froze. Or perhaps I was just busy with other things. C'est la vie.

The blog has been a wonderful way to express my creativity in the kitchen and online as well. I've loved sharing my successes like Penguin Cutouts and even my disappointments like Lemon-Zucchini Cornmeal Cookies (bleck!). Above all, I've loved receiving comments from relatives, friends, and friends of friends. It's gratifying to know people are out there reading even if they aren't trying every single recipe I post.

If you're a Twitter user and aren't following the Cookie Press, shame on you. Start following @CookiePress right now. We also have a FaceBook Fan Page. I know they're called business pages now, but I prefer to use the former term. Search for "Cookie Press" on FaceBook and then click "like" to start following. I encourage everyone to upload pictures, post recipes, and join the cookie conversation.

You may have noticed that the number of postings has diminished over the last few weeks and there's a reason for it. My partner and I will be moving soon and I've been consumed with the mountains of paperwork needed these days to get financing and Co-op board approval. Thankfully both approvals are behind us and all that's left is signing about a thousand documents and packing and unpacking boxes. We're looking forward to the new adventures we'll find in Riverdale, just north of Manhattan.

I'm looking forward also to another delicious year of making and nibbling on cookies! That's all for now. I've got a batch in the oven right now and I think they're burning!

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