January 20, 2010

Welcome to My Blog

I love cookies. I blame my mother. While growing up, she would bake cookies every week instead of resorting to the store-bought bags of Chips Ahoy or Nutter Butters as most busy moms do. I'd sit as she'd whip up a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies from the recipe on the back of the Nestle chocolate chip bag and wait patiently to lick the beaters on her harvest gold Sunbeam Mixmaster (it was the 1970's after all).

As I grew up, my taste in cookies also matured. Some of my favorites now include black and white cookies, lemon cookies with cream cheese frosting, and any cookie that involves caramel. I bake as much as I can when I'm not working, gardening (during the warm months), or sleeping (I come from a family of nappers).

I've created this blog to share, to teach, and to learn. Your comments are welcome. I'll share recipes when I can and I'll even take requests. Because when you get right down to it, everyone knows someone who loves cookies more than life itself. My guess is that person is you.


  1. Tom's cookies are THE BEST! I know because I get to taste test them in the office on a regular basis! They are all Off The Charts! I just hope they don't go to my thighs soon :)

  2. They sound fantastic! I can't wait to try them.
