September 23, 2010

A SoHo Jaunt

Yesterday I met my friend Carol in SoHo for lunch at Kelley and Ping, an overpriced and under inspired Asian noodle place on Greene Street in SoHo. The best thing about Kelley and Ping is that it's right around the corner from the Apple store where I had popped in to pick up a few gifts.

As Carol and I walked back toward her office, we passed Vesuvio Bakery, a SoHo landmark and a must visit if you're ever in that part of town. Vesuvio is a throw back to a simpler time when life was easier and mass market baked goods didn't exist. The space itself is tiny, but the selection of breads, sandwiches, wraps, salads, and home-baked goods is large and absolutely wonderful. The place is so tiny that there are no tables or chairs. You have to go elsewhere to eat.

I stopped dead in my tracks as we passed Vesuvio because of the wonderful display of cookies in both front windows. The cookies were mesmerizing. Stacks of cookies as big as you hand were beckoning. Among the cookie stacks were some random glass balls that looked like Christmas decorations strewn about. In the one window was a miniature version of the Statue of Liberty. I could hear her saying, "Give me your tired, your poor, huddled masses, yearning to eat cookies."

I whipped out my IPhone and started to snap away while unbeknownst to me, Carol was inside buying one of the luscious looking chocolate chip cookies. We devoured it right there on the street in front of the bakery. Before we dug in, we admired the deep golden color, the massive chunks of deep, rich, chocolate and the sheer size of the damn thing. It was one of the largest cookies I have ever seen. The cookie was pretty good, but I felt it was lacking salt. Frankly, it was a tad bland for my liking. Carol commented that it wasn't as sweet as some chocolate chip cookies she's eaten. In her book that was a plus. In my book, that's a negative. The sweeter the better.

We walked back west toward Hudson Street and said our goodbyes on the corner before I headed home to put on my workout clothes and burn off some of the calories from the cookie I just shared.

Left Window

Right Window

Cookies Piled High

Cookie Close Up

Cookie With Carol's Big Bite

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