October 1, 2010

Cookie Cutters

A couple of weeks ago I received a wonderful and unexpected gift from my friend Argus. His partner, Walter, works for Macy's as a Senior Product Manager. Part of Walter's job is to evaluate new product lines so samples often come across his desk. And this time, I was the lucky recipient of Walter's collection of cookie cutters!

Argus and I met up on the corner of 16th and 8th where he handed over a plastic bag filled with curvaceous cookie cutters in many interesting shapes. As soon as I got home I examined each and carefully laid them out on my table. First I pulled a "C" shaped cutter out of the bag, followed by a "P", then a giraffe, and next a mini-cutter shaped like Michigan or was it a mitten? When I was finished, my table was filled with wonderful cookie cutters which I knew I just had to share on the blog.

Perhaps the strangest one of all is one that looks to me like a Rorschach test for bakers. Yes, it's shaped like an inkblot. No matter which way I turn it, I still can't seem to figure this one out. If any of you can, please leave a comment below. I'd love to hear some other suggestions.

In the next few months my plan is to try every single cutter. Stay tuned!
And thanks, Walter, for thinking of me! You've got some cookies coming your way as a thank you.

Here's an inventory of the loot:

All letters of the alphabet except M and W
Giraffes (2)
Small Rabbit
Farm Animal (I think it's a calf)
Bat (the flying kind, not baseball kind)
Witches Broom
Mickey Mouse Head
Rabbit Head
Square With Semi-circle on Top (I'm guessing some kind of food)
and the Ink Blot.

Some of my favorites include:


Michigan (or mitten)



Thanks Walter!

1 comment:

  1. I've looked at this ink blot from every direction. It is definitely a monkey! Note the tail and the little monkey ears. He seems to be dancing a jig. I hope you have many hours of fun with those cookie cutters. All I can say (and this is from hours of experience) is it requires a boat load of patience to make a bunch of cut-outs. Have fun.
